Sunday, October 28, 2012

Music has made a Wardrobe change!

Music isnt what it used to be about ten years ago. Albums used to sell out of stores in a day, now its all about downloading free music off of the internet. More artists are noticing that giving away free music equals getting free fans. Underground artists are more than just underground artists, they might have more loyal fans than the Jay-Z's and Kanye's of our world. Artists like Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky, Little Dragon, School Boy Q, Mellowhype, Danny Brown, Jhene Aiko, Overdoz and Childish Gambino, just to name a few, give out free music to their fans all of the time. These artists may not always be on the radio every five minutes, but they are more popular on the internet than any where else. And if you know anything about teenagers, you know that they live in front of their computers or iPhones aka the internet.

Oddfuture makes money without having their music on the radio

Childish Gambino
Indie artists don't need to do much to be cool. All theses young fans look for in an indie/underground artist is coolness, a sense of swag and most importantly good musical talent. The media, on the otherhand, turns artists into something they aren't. Once an artist becomes mainstream, they act out to attract media and public attention. For example, Lady Gaga dresses in outrageous outfits because she fells like she's already made it, so she has to attract attention with everything she does. But an indie group, The Internet, have made a name for themselves, released an album off of their tumblr and twitter accounts, and still have loyal fans, not to mention they wear sweat shirts and jeans everywhere they go.

Soon enough, the music industry is going to be based off of free music downloads. At the rate its going now, I wouldn't be surprised.

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